Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris SMK JOB Descriptions (English Lesson) - foldersoal.com
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
JOB Descriptions (English Lesson)
Kadang siswa sering kesulitan dalam memaparkan deskripsi dari pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris. Berikut ini ada beberapa jenis pekerjaan!
Job Description !
1. Mechanic : Repairs vehicles and machinery.
2. Beautician : Gives beauty treatment to your skin, hair etc.
3. Sales representative : Travel around an area selling their company's products.
4. Secretary : Writes letters, arranges meetings, answer telephone calls etc. in an office.
Secretary |
5. Accountant : Writes or checks financial records
6. Chef : Prepares and cooks food in a hotel, restaurant.
7. Tourist Guide : Show a place to tourist.
8. Receptionist : Welcomes and helps people when they arrive at hotel, office building etc.
9. Programer : Writes program for computer.
10. Technician : Practically, works in science or technology.
11. Consultant : gives advice about certain subjects.
12. Designer : Designs news styles of clothes, cars etc.
13. Hair Stylist : Makes the shape of someone's hair in a particular way.
14. Architect : Designs building
15. Flight attendant : looks after passengers on a plane.
16. Builder : Builds or repair buildings.
Farmer and Builder |
Architect |
17. Carpenter : Makes and repairs wood object.
18. Tailor : Makes man's clothes that are measured to fit each customer exactly.
19. Labor : Works for an industry, in a factory, the job involves hard physical work.
20. Pharmacist : Prepares medicines i a shop or hospital.