Soal UAS I Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMK Semester 1 TA 2014/2015 -

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Ingris
Kelas/Jurusan : XI
Waktu : 70 menit

Direction : Choose A, B, C, D .or E as the right answer on the answer sheet

Text 1 for questions 1-5
Dear friends,
Are you tired of the daily grind? Sick of working all hours of the day for little reward? Tired of having enough money to really enjoy yourself? Well, now there is a way out.
We can show the way to give up work. Sit back and make millions for yourself and your loved ones on property market.


Albert Smith felt just like you until he read our leaflet. Now he drives a sport car around the South of France and his wife has one of her own too.
So what are you waiting for come and join us at Property Market.

1. What is the text about?
a. The success of Albert Smith
b. Property Market Review
c. Annual report of Property Market
d. Recommend the readers to joint at Property marker
e. Asking the friend condition

2. What is the genre of the text above?
a. Analytic Exposition
b. Hortatory exposition
c. News item
d. Spoof
e. Narrative

3. The thesis of the text is ….
a. There is a way out of financial problem.
b. Sick of working all hours of the day
c. Are you tired of the daily grind?
d. Property Market is the good place
e. The rewards is always low in job

4. The dominant structure of the text is …
a. Simple present
b. Simple past
c. Present continuous
d. Imperative
e. Causative

5. We can show the way…. Paragraph 2
The underlined word refers to ….
a. The writer and you
b. The writer and the reader
c. The writer and the staff at the company
d. Albert Smith and the writer
e. Albert smith and I

Text 2 for questions 6 –10
It is well-known fact that it is a dilemma for many people to make a will, without he added problems of deciding who should draw up this document.
This task is made simple with the available of service the Public Trust Officer.
Firstly the office has large efficient staff which included barristers, solicitors, accountants, values, and qualified property inspector. Knowledge of the legal aspect is very well covered.
Also the changes needed consideration. Here at this office there are no charges for making for making of the holding of will.
Furthermore, the public Trustee is guaranteed by the States of Queensland and has special powers to solve the problems or simplify procedures which, in the long term save expense.
Therefore, it can be clearly seen that there is only one sound choice in making your will, the public Trustee as it is permanent, efficient, and secure. You should consider this.

6. What did the writer want to, by telling the text?
a. To explain about the Public Trustee
b. To describe how the Public Trustee works
c. To persuade the reader that Public Trustee is the right choice to make a will
d. To retell his personal experience in working with the Public Trustee.
e. To convince the reader that Public Trustee is excellent

7. The word will in text means ….
a. request
b. inclination
c. desire something to do
d. something desired by somebody to happened
e. statement determining distribution of deceased property 

8. How many arguments support the idea in the text?
a. one d. four
b. two e. five
c. three

9. The writer’s position (opinion) is summed up at paragraph ….
a. two d. five
b. three e. six
c. four

10. Which statements is correct according to the text?
a. it is easy to many people to make a will.
b. The public Trustee officer will provide with good service and high price
c. The office has a large building for efficient staff
d. The staff of Public Trustee includes barristers, solicitors, accountants, values and qualified property inspector
e. It has special power to quadrate the problems

Text 3 Question 11-16
The Ram in the chilly PatchLong time ago there was a Mexican boy named Juan who helped raise money for his family by growing chili peppers in his garden.
But one day when he came out to hid chili patch, he found a ram there eating some peppers and stomping one and others. “Go away, Mr. Ram,” said Juan. “Those are my peppers.” The ram replied, “Get away from me or I’ll butt you into the next county.” Juan started to cry, and all animals on the little farm felt sorry for him. The cat tried to help. She went up to the ram and said, “You should be ashamed of yourself. Get out there. Those chili peppers are Juan’s.” But the ram lowered his head and said, “Get away from me or I’ll butt you into the next county.” So the cat ran away. The dog tried to help. He came out and barked at the ram but the ram lowered his head and said, “get away from me or I’ll butt you into the next county.” The dog too ran away.
Finally a little ant said, “I can help you, Juan” The ant climbed onto the ram and began to bit all over. The ram jumped and started running. He ran so far that now he is in the next county.

11. The purpose of the text is to ….
a. tell past event
b. respect the ant
c. give information about to chase the ram
d. entertain the reader with story
e. describe Juan personality and friendship

12. The chili garden is belong to ….
a. Mr. Ram d. an ant
b. Juan e. an old Mexican man
c. Next county

13. Which statement is not true according to the text?
a. All animals are success to help Juan
b. Ram is not afraid of dog
c. Cat is not success to chase ram away
d. Ant offer his help at last
e. Ram ran until the next county

14. … he found a ram there ….( Paragraph 2)
The underlined word means ….
a. an old man d . a male bear
b. a male horse e. a female sheep
c. a male sheep

15. To butt the ram uses it’s ….
a. Back leg d. front leg
b. Shoulder e. head
c. Hand

16. …a ram there eating some peppers and stomping one and others. Paragraph 2.
The underlined words is similar to ….
a. reaching d. pulling
b. cutting e. stepping
c. looking

Text 4 for question 17 –22
The Ass in the Lion's Skin
An Ass once found a Lion's skin which the hunters had left out in the sun to dry. He put it on and went towards his native village. All fled at his approach, both men and animals, and he was a proud Ass that day. In his delight he lifted up his voice and brayed, but then every one knew him, and his owner came up and gave him a sound cudgeling for the fright he had caused. And shortly afterwards a Fox came up to him and said: "Ah, I knew you by your voice.” Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.
17. What is the text about?
a. the friendship of lion, fox and ass
b. An ass tried to disguise but he was revealed
c. An fox tried to disguise but he was revealed
d. The smart as and the stupid fox
e. The ass voice had made people respect him

18. An ass in this text means ….
a. dog d. female lion
b. hunter e. foolish man
c. donkey

19. How every one know him?
a. From the fox
b. from his clothe
c. from the owner
d. from his disguise
e. From his voice when he brayed

20. Who is the main character in the story?
a. an ass d. a lion
b. a fox e. a hunter
c. both men and animals

21. … a Fox came up to him and said:(Line 10)
What does him refer to.
a. a Fox d. a Lion’s skin
b. a hunter e. an owner
c. an ass

22. What is the moral teaching of the story?
a. Your mouth is your tiger
b. Don’t cover weakness by stupid way
c. try to change your voice to disguise
d. Don’t frighten your friends with clothe
e. Don’t take one property without permission

Text 5 for question 23-28
Making people happyPresident Bush, First Lady Laura and Dick Cheney were flying on Air Force One. George looked at Laura, chuckled and said, "You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy."
Laura shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I could throw ten $100 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy."
Cheney added, "That being the case, I could throw one hundred $10 bills out of the window and make a hundred people very happy."
Hearing their exchange, the pilot rolled his eyes and said to his co-pilot, "Such big-shots back there . Shit, “I could throw all of them out of the window and make 56 million people very happy."

23. Who had the idea to throw the bill out of the window for the firs time?
a. First lady Laura d. Dick Cheney
b. George Bush e. Pilot
c. Co-pilot

24. How many $ could Cheney throw?
a. $ 10 d.$ 1000
b. $ 100 e. $ 10.000
c. $ 100.000

25. Which information is not true according to the text?
a. Bush could throw a $1,000 bill out
b. Laura could throw ten $100 bills out
c. The amount of money they could throw are different
d. The amount of money they could throw are the same
e. The pilot could throw all them out

26. "Such big-shots back there (paragraph 4)
The underlined words mean …
a. some who has a big talking only
b. the sound of their shot is big
c. they really want to do that
d. pilot doesn’t know why the could do it
e. the other plane will attack Bush

27. I could throw a $1,000 bill out …. The underlined word is similar to …. 
a. Credit card d. saving account
b. Coin e. Bill Clinton money
c. Paper money

28. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To entertain the reader in funny way
b. to retell the journey of Bush
c. To give information
d. To tell the conflict between Bush and Pilot
e. To show that they have much money except the pilot

Text 6 for question 29 – 31
A man came to restaurant and ordered soup. When the soup had came. He said, ”Waiter, there is a fly in my soup.” …………………………………………………
29. What is the orientation of the text?
a. a fly in my soup
b. He said the writer
c. A man ordered the soup
d. When the soup had come
e. A man came to the restaurant and ordered the soup

30. The possible ending of the text is ….
a. I don’t like oranges with sugar on
b. Would you serve it separately, please?
c. Do you speak English
d. Oh dear, the dog didn’t see it
e. This is private conversation

31. The funny ending of the story is called …..
a. re orientation d. Twist
b. complication e. reiteration
c. thesis

The following questions are not based on the text

32. Pomto : “ My opinion the pizza in the restaurant are tasteless.”
Yudit : …. I think they are very nice.”
a. I agree d. I don’t understand
b. I think so e. it is good idea
c. I don’t think so

33. Mother had Susan prepare the dinner. It means that ….
a. Mother had prepared dinner for Susan
b. Susan asked someone to prepare dinner
c. Mother and Susan prepare it
d. Susan took the dinner himself
e. Mother asked Susan to prepare dinner

34. Having finish eating, Dewa and Juwai … Home
a. going d. gone
b. Went e. go
c. Will go

35. Suddenly Novi heard a man … her name.
a. calling d. had called
b. called e. was calling
c. will call

36. A dolphin … a porpoise in that it has a longer nose
a. different d. differs from
b. differs e. differs than
c. different than

37. Andy : …….. Can you stop please?
Rio : Sorry about that, I will.
a. That sound really bothers me
b. I like that sound very much
c. It fantastic sound
d. Dou you want it once more
e. That is good idea

38. If Roni left they key, his children could Open the door.
From the sentence we know that …
a. Roni always leave the key
b. The children have own key
c. Roni does’nt leave the key
d. Roni didn’t leave the key
e. Roni will leave the key next time

39. Dedy : Did you to the doctor yesterday?
Wiwid : If my bos had given me permission, I would have gone to the doctor from the sentence we know that ….
a. Wiwid didn’t tell the boss to go
b. Wiwid’s Bos didn’t give her permission two go to the doctor
c. Dedy will accompany Wiwid to go
d. Her bos let her to go
e. The doctor was close yesterday

40. Identify which part is wrong ?
I know Lusy very well. She is
very good in mathematic

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